John Buckley is the Mayor of the City of Hornell and has served as a Board member for Hornell Partners for Growth and the Hornell Industrial Development Agency since beginning his mayoral term in January of 2018. Prior to becoming
mayor, John served as the 9 th Ward Alderman on the City’s Common Council for 8 years while concurrently serving as the Deputy Mayor for 4 years. Mayor Buckley first got involved in Hornell government while serving on the City of
Hornell Zoning Board of Appeals for 3 years. Prior to being elected Mayor he enjoyed a successful 25-year career with Wegmans Food Markets.
As Mayor he is the Chief Executive for the City, responsible for putting together the annual budget, and overseeing the operations of all City Departments. Mayor Buckley is also President and presiding Officer of the Boards of Public
Works and Public Safety. These boards oversee the operation of all Public Works and Safety services in the city such as water, sewer, refuse, public infrastructure, police, fire & ambulance service, and the health department. Mayor Buckley is also the Executive Director of all Community Development Operations, which include Housing Rehabilitation, and Economic Development loan programs.
Email: mayorsoffice@cityofhornell.com
Phone: 607-324-7421